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Social Media

At Southfields, we understand the power of social media. We reach our audience directly through all major online channels, bringing the latest news first or giving fans a unique behind-the-scenes look. We always make sure we are ahead of the trend.

Whether it’s comprehensive match analyses on YouTube, heartwarming videos on Facebook, or a funny slip-up on TikTok: we create customized content because we know what works on each platform. Our own roster of reporters get so close capturing the best moments on the pitch, that they can share the blood, sweat, and tears shed there directly with our followers.

For our client ESPN (over 4.5 million followers in the Netherlands across all channels) Southfields was the first in the Netherlands to provide live match coverage on TikTok. We achieved another national first with a dedicated WhatsApp channel, and we service the youngest fans with highlight shows specially produced for Snapchat. These social media channels draw millions of people to ESPN’s app and website every month.

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